Historical Timeline
What follows is a small selection of important dates related to events in the Soul Forge Saga.
0 = Deinyra build their beloved Duende, the “beautiful city of ice”. Beginning of Deinyran “Second Age”.
450 = Deinyra build magic ships to traverse the sea of ice surrounding them. They explore the “bright lands” for the first time.
689 = Deinyra create the slave race, the Thralleks.
1677 = First Deinyran war with the Thralleks.
1789 = First “singularity” is discovered in the Spirit Realm.
1921 = Vandhiyan King Masinna II forges a trade route to Aegyptus.
1985 = Vandhiyan King Syphax opens trade route to Ifriqiya.
2005 = Aegyptus invades Samarra but is repelled.
2025 = Aegyptus sends forces into Samarra a second time, but are defeated once again.
2085 = Aegyptus finally succeeds in establishing a foothold in southern Samarra.
2173 = Second Deinyran war with the Thralleks.
2174 = Deinyra leave Duende and settle on Akka Ellish.
2224 = Beginning of Deinyran Empire. Beginning of Deinyran “Third Age”.
2285 = Vandhiyan King Juba repels the Aegyptans.
2309 = Kwovadis leads first expeditions to Arden to search for the “Key”.
2589 = Kwovadis disagrees with the Five and commits the first murder in the Spirit Realm. Kwovadis is banished from the Spirit Realm.
2599 = After wandering Arden in despair for a decade, Kwovadis vows to destroy all Eonians.
2675 = Eoniains known as Seers arrive in Arden to fight Kwovadis.
2975 = Seers found a secret, mortal sect called the Droods to help fight Kwovadis.
3274 = Demodocus the Brave begins uniting Humans against the Deinyra.
3284 = Beginning of Demodocan Empire.
3285 = Change to Demodocan calendar.
3530 = Aboriginal people flee Nordlonda under persecution by the Norddun. They settle in the Wilderlands, chasing out Norddun who had built settlements there.
Edom is built in Talos.
3565 = Demodocan Empire falls. Talosian Empire begins.
3730 = In Nordlonda, prince Rune battles the faerbolga to rescue the doomed princess, Toireasa.
3830 = Caer Brig is built.
3924 = Mortiss is hired to rid Samarra of daemons.
3934 = Mortiss builds an automaton army, powered by the Demon Stones.
3962 = Mortiss leaves Samarra.
3967 = Mortiss arrives at Doragon Monten and befriends Ilwen Lorelon. He joins the fight against Kwovadis.
4007 = Mortiss brings Thralleks from Duende to fight Kwovadis.
4009 = Fighting between Mortiss and Ilwen begins. Erryk Fenris begins construction of Caer Arngrim.
4011 = Ilwen and Draken defeat Mortiss with help from Erryk Fenris.
4012 = Fall of Caer Arngrim. Illyanna is born.
4028 = Glommstad Alliance is signed by the Kings of all seven of the Yldra Reikkrun Islands.
4030 = Book One of the Soul Forge Saga begins.