The Soul Forge Saga takes place in a complex world that spans continents and contains hundreds of characters. Here is a brief list of the most important people in the SFS.
Illyanna is easily the most conflicted character in the entire trilogy. She was abandoned by her mother shortly after birth and never knew her father, who died before she was born. She was raised by her aunt and uncle in a fortress called Caer Brig, in the far northern edge of the Talosian Empire. Being half Human and half Deinyran, she becomes the victim of bullies at a young age. She is further separated from those around her by the voice that only she hears, that she calls the "Other". She is beset by fears and anxieties that she must overcome in order to fulfill her destiny as the new "Seer", and to stand against the evil being known as Kwovadis.
Draken is a Deinyran warrior-mage. He was born into slavery, but was rescued by the Seer, Ilwen Lorelon, when he was still a child. Ilwen taught him the ways of sorcery, which their people had mastered ages before. After an attack on the mountain-top sanctuary known as the Temple of the Dragon, he searches for Ilwen's daughter, who may be the only person left who can help him defeat Kwovadis.
Magnus "Handhammer" Fenris
Magnus is Illyanna's uncle and also the commander of the fortress called Caer Brig. His people are the Norddun, a fierce and proud northern race who live among the Yldra Reikkrun Islands. He is a stern leader with a big heart. He and Illyanna often clash because they are more alike in some ways than either is willing to admit.
Kwovadis is a spirit-being known as an Eonian, from a Realm beyond the Veil. Because of the betrayal of his own kind against him, he has vowed to destroy them and anyone who stands in his way. He is several thousand years old and has been putting his plans in place for a long time, manipulating people like pieces on a game board. Like all Eonians, he can take mortals as his Hosts, using these meat-puppets to do his bidding.
Hakon Bloodaxe
Hakon is the second-in-command at Caer Brig. He is Magnus' oldest friend, as they grew up together on the Norddun island of Nordlonda. The one-eyed Lieutenant is known for his rough, gruff manner. He is a skilled soldier and story-teller. He is loyal to a fault and will never break an oath.
Duke Vorloi
Duke Vorloi is former Deinyran royalty, from their long abandoned home, Duende. He was cursed for crimes committed against his Queen, and became a creature that barely resembles his former self. He finds sustenance feeding on the life-force of living things. Haunting the shadows of Arden, he longs to return to his beloved Duende. His fate becomes intertwined with the mysterious Demon Stones. Because of his strength, intelligence, and other abilities, he is a force to be reckoned with.
King Oddmarr Torbenson
Oddmarr Torbenson is the king of Nordlonda, the largest of the Yldra Reikkrun Islands of the Norddun. He is a good man who seeks a better future for his people, even if that means going against thousands of years of tradition. He will find out who his true friends are when he faces his greatest challenge.
Khalif Den Kothar
Prinsa Den Kothar left his home at the royal palace in Samarra to explore the world. He returned to don the crown after his father's death. Now, the new Khalif finds himself caught up in a dealy political game, all the while contemplating a move that would benefit many, but earn him even more enemies than those who already plot against him.
High Priest Kopru
Kopru is the second most powerful man in Samarra, but dreams of more. He is a snake that slithers through the palace, plotting and scheming, willing to sacrafice anyone for his own benefit.
Ghita, of the Wolf Clan
Ghita's older brother was chieftain of the Wolf Clan until Kwovadis murdered him. Ghita takes up the mantle, hoping to find a way out of a deal made with a daemon. Her good heart and strong sense of right lead her to defy Kwovadis, endangering what's left of the Wolf Clan. She will do anything to protect her people.
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Magnus "Handhammer" Fenris